This is Maria. |
On a crisp, fall feeling day in the village of Chiminisiguan, "Maravilloso es Dios. Maravilloso es Dios" softly, sung, danced in the atmosphere, bringing a spiritual warmth upon the clinic. It was one of the widows singing a beautiful song to Jesus in our last meeting. The woman was Maria, a widow who lost her husband 8 years ago, and has 8 children. What a beautiful thing for a woman who lives in poverty, and who has suffered the pain of loss to praise Jesus in the midst of it all. But, not only that, she was praising Jesus in the midst of a village that seems spiritually dark. Of the 9 women, only 3 of them say they go to church. So to break into praise in the midst of the group, was truly a holy moment.
We had our 4th Widows'/women's meeting on Tuesday. As you can see, it started with a flicker of light. The women, once again, came with enthusiasm, interest, and baskets. It was really a kiss from God being in the midst of that meeting. I can not explain to you what I feel when all the women are there, huddled around the fire place meeting together for a purpose. As I watch them, I see this great potential for a group that would give these woman a safe place to feel loved, and encounter Jesus, together in unity. As I watch them, I feel this great love welling up for each one, and compassion for each one that only comes from God.... And, as I watch them, I also feel the huge weight of responsibility of helping lead God's beloved ones into something new. If often feel so incapable and ill-equipped to do this group well. I found myself asking "what is the purpose of this group, what is the goal? And how are we going to get there?". I know God loves these women. I also, know he will hold me accountable for how I deal with them. He after all, looks after the widow and the orphan. So pray for me please. Pray for wisdom and revelation. Pray that I could do this well. Pray for these woman as well, that they would encounter the love of Jesus.
Just FYI: Our cup overflows with these beautiful baskets.The ministry bought every last one of them. The plan is to sell these baskets to fund this project for these women. So when I come home for the holidays, I will have tons of baskets for sale:) If you need any Christmas gift ideas :) They are beautiful, and come with a tag that has the picture and story of the woman that made the basket.)
At our second Widows' meeting,the Lord was so good. We gathered by the fire place, and began in prayer. The goal for this meeting was to show the "second step" of making a pine needle basket...but to my joy and surprise the ladies brought in several finished, beautiful handwoven pine needle baskets!
The most beautiful basket was intricately hand-made by a widow well known to us, her name is Marta. Her son, Miguel, is on the nutrition program, and came into us in the final stages of malnutrition. He had severe signs of the common form of malnutrition here, due to a protein deficient diet. His hands and feet were swollen making it obvious that he was suffering. Little Miguel would not smile. His life-less face spoke only of the pain of having no father, and no food. We laid hands on him, and pleaded for our heavenly Father to hear our cry. Then,even though Miguel was a bit older than most of our nutrition kids, but we started him on the program. Every two weeks we gave him a supply of milk, vitamins, and "incaparina" (a vitamin shake). Slowly, but surely, he changed. His weight increased each time he came to the clinic. Soon, he was even smiling, showing his improvement. It is due to our good, good father in heaven, that Miguel is now a healthy little boy.
So, when Marta came with her beautiful basket to sell, it meant more to us than just a basket. It meant food on the table for her little boy.
And that, my friends, is why we do this...to follow in the footsteps of our Lord, and Savior. Doing what the Father does..He is, after all "A Father to the fatherless, a defender of the widows"...
Pray for Miguel...pray for Marta...
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This is Tomasa. She is a widow that AIM (Adonai International Ministries) has been friends with for many years. AIM first met Tomasa through her husband, who was a community leader from her village, and was dying of cancer. The Lord used AIM to help her husband as much as they could, but he eventually passed away. This left Tomasa with seven children. AIM provides her with food monthly, and is she now apart of the Widow's project. Pray that she grows deeper with Christ during this season, and for provision for her family.

This is Delia. Delia is from a rural, village near our town of Canilla', Guatemala. Her husband abandoned her, and the children seven years ago. In addition to her own natural children, Delia took in a baby girl that was not her own, after the natural mother died. The little girl is now on our nutrition program due to being malnourished, and in a constant fight with respiratory sickness. Delia now, "fights", as her neighbors put it, to provide for her children on a daily basis. Pray for her provision, and that she develops a personal relationship with her Savior, Jesus. Pray for health for this family.
These are just two of the six women that have begun to meet biweekly in a group. Tomorrow, will be meeting number three. Please pray God meets these women in a unique, and personal way. Pray for provision. But most importantly, pray that we are able to show these women Jesus in the midst of their struggles.