At our second Widows' meeting,the Lord was so good. We gathered by the fire place, and began in prayer. The goal for this meeting was to show the "second step" of making a pine needle basket...but to my joy and surprise the ladies brought in several finished, beautiful handwoven pine needle baskets!
The most beautiful basket was intricately hand-made by a widow well known to us, her name is Marta. Her son, Miguel, is on the nutrition program, and came into us in the final stages of malnutrition. He had severe signs of the common form of malnutrition here, due to a protein deficient diet. His hands and feet were swollen making it obvious that he was suffering. Little Miguel would not smile. His life-less face spoke only of the pain of having no father, and no food. We laid hands on him, and pleaded for our heavenly Father to hear our cry. Then,even though Miguel was a bit older than most of our nutrition kids, but we started him on the program. Every two weeks we gave him a supply of milk, vitamins, and "incaparina" (a vitamin shake). Slowly, but surely, he changed. His weight increased each time he came to the clinic. Soon, he was even smiling, showing his improvement. It is due to our good, good father in heaven, that Miguel is now a healthy little boy.
And that, my friends, is why we do this...to follow in the footsteps of our Lord, and Savior. Doing what the Father does..He is, after all "A Father to the fatherless, a defender of the widows"...
Pray for Miguel...pray for Marta...
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