I've been home now for a month, connecting with friends and family. I've also been home waiting on the Lord. I've been praying, watching, and waiting for what he is doing in my life in this season. I just want to be obedient to Him. So far, I've made 2 trips to Kansas city, and have sat in the prayer room for hours, so that my heart will be soft, and my ears will be open.
I'm unsure of what this year holds for me. But, I DO know that last year was an amazing year. It was a year full of new and exciting things, and growing closer to the Lord. I got to share part of my time, and life with 10 beautiful widows of a very remote village. It was pure joy to share a group with them.
It also was pure joy to pray with hundreds of sick people in clinics. It was also pure joy to see some very malnourished children go from weak, and unhealthy to strong, and smiling. And to see hundreds of pregnant women well taken care of by our prenatal program. Wow! What a year!
But, here it is...2013. A new year. A fresh start. His mercies are new every morning. And I believe they are new every dawn of each year. Lord, have your way in 2013!!
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