Sunday, November 20, 2011

Further up and Further in

My car is sold, the last day at my job is set, and soon the last day in my apartment will be set (because my roommate found a new roommate and new apartment)....Everything is falling into place...It's like a whirlwind has swirled me up, and I am trying to keep up with God's movement in my life... Step by step I am abandoning this life for the life set before me...and soon...very soon...I will be in Guatemala.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Leave all behind

On the 21st of October of this year I landed in Canilla, Quiche, Guatemala.  For the first time, I worked with a family named "the Fickers" who do medical and spiritual missions to the people of Guatemala. After, years of longing in my heart to do  "medical missions with a spiritual emphasis" (in other words praying with people instead of just handing out medicine), this trip proved to be the answer to that longing. Over the course of 3 days we did 3 clinics helping hundreds of people.  I also witnessed a woman who was a walking miracle! After prayer, her broken hip had been healed with no operation!  I truely feel I have encountered my destiny and my true calling in Canilla, Guatemla. And after the invitation to "just stay and not go home"... I have returned home only to close things here in St. Louis and go back to live in Guatemala indefinitely...until Jesus returns...or until He tells me different!  Join me in my exciting journey to leave everything behind and follow Him!!!!!