Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Mercy It Falls Like a Sweet Spring Rain

Since I have returned to my sweet little home in Canilla', the rainy season  has begun. The dusty country roads have turned to mud, and the dry, crunchy grass has turned into a lush, green carpet. Just as the natural season has changed, I too have felt some "spiritual shift". It is too early to tell what all a "spiritual shift" entails or means exactly, but I sense some kind of difference. It's almost as if the Lord took everything "up" a level, which sounds a bit frightening, but exciting at the same time. I noticed it in the clinics as I have encountered some new challenges, and thankfully, Leslie has been there to look out for me. I know sometimes, when you go up a level in something, it could be easy to get discouraged, as it feels that everything is harder, and not life as usual. But, I also know that the Lord is stretching my spiritual muscles to prepare me for the next step. I am expecting good things, as I lean upon my beloved, and lean into to whatever He has in this next season. I hope this does not sound too vague. I am just asking for prayers mercy & grace during this time, as I wait and see what God has in store. Blessings.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Home Sweet Home

On Thursday, I got back from a very short, but sweet trip into St. Louis. It was a great time of visiting friends family, and being a part of a very special wedding of my friends Kelly & Craig. Here are some photos from the trip home:
 Visiting the cutest boy in the nephew Ira.

Visiting my good friends Mindy & Jess & all their wonderful kids

Visiting my good friends Julie & Jess at Craig & Kelly's wedding

I had a great time visiting friends and family. I especially appreciate my loving mother who generously offers me her home and car when I come home. Thank you mom, you are the best. It was great to be with you on Mother's day.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

If it's not Jesus, then it's not justice. We want Jesus. We want justice.

   I recently heard someone say, that when we help the poor, we need to point them to Jesus. And that if we are not pointing them to Jesus, then we are just putting band aids on them, as they go on their way to hell.  I weighed this in my heart. We all weighed this in our hearts for some days.

  On Wednesday, our Sabbath here, we got a call from a village inviting us to come do clinic in their village.  So, after scrounging for translators, packing and stocking our medication boxes, charging the ultra sound and otoscopes, we set out Friday morning. As we climbed the winding, dusty, mountain road to the far away village of Tioxjaba, Orelia, one of the Family's good friends who was going to translate, suddenly spoke up. She began to tell us that she had, had a prophecy that one day she would come to a village like this one. She said it was in this village, that God would speak to her here, according to the prophecy she received.  As we rolled into Tioxjaba, the dark spiritual atmosphere hovered over us. We soon observed, that these were religious people, but did not have Jesus living inside of them. We also, once again, encountered the great need for medical care. So after praying, we began working on the long line of out of two large boxes stock with medication and equipment.

  We worked hard, checking blood pressures, and blood sugars diagnosing several with diabetes and gastritis. All the while, I was trying to figure out, how to tell a very closed and hardened people about Jesus. Ringing in the back of my mind, I heard the quote about putting band aids on people on their way to hell. So I continued to work, wondering if the line of people outside would ever diminish. Then, a little while later, Katie came bursting into the room. "If it helps any, we just had three people accept Christ", she told Leslie and I.  My mouth dropped open in disbelief.  "Really?" I could help from asking. "Yes", answered Katie. I wanted to hear all the details, but we still had a long line awaiting outside. "I'll tell you the whole story later," said Katie, and she left to go to the other room.

   Later, on our long drive home, we heard the story of each salvation. We soon found out, it was Orelia who had stepped each person through the understanding of accepting Christ. She explained to each one, that Jesus was the only door to God. She explained that there was no other way, and no other person that could get us there. She also explained, that Jesus was alive, unlike the idols/saints they prayed to in their religion. As Orelia was telling us what she said, I again felt a wellspring of joy bubbling up inside me! She also told us that one of the elderly men that received Christ was so excited. She said that as he prayed the prayer to accept Jesus, he could barely contain himself! Then, as he left, he thanked her and Katie over and over again!

  What a beautiful, beautiful thing when someone receives the living Jesus into their lives! I know that all of heaven rejoiced that day, and heaven and hell were forever changed. The cloud of darkness that hovered over Tioxjaba was pierced!
 When we help lighten the burden of the poor and needy, it is an act of justice. We know that God himself contends for the poor, and that they are his people. It also says in the Bible that when you do unto the least of these, you do unto him. But, we can't forget Jesus. Jesus is the only way to eternal life. He is the only one who can bring absolute justice. He is a righteous judge who will come and make all the wrong things right. If it's not's not justice. We want Jesus. We want justice.