Saturday, November 17, 2012

These are a few of the things for which I give thanks....

Mom and Ira
1.I am so grateful that I was able to take a quick trip home! Not only, did I get to see my dad in Florida, but I also got to surprise my mom in St. Louis, for her 60th birthday! We celebrated with a party of friends and family at my brother Jon's house. 
Kara and Ira

 2.Kara,my sister-in-law! She gracefully, and joyfully made all of mom's party preparations, and decorating. She is such a lovely sister to have.  I also got to spend lots of time with their son, my nephew, Ira James! He is 1 year and 4 months. He is the cutest little boy I have ever laid eyes on. He has red curly hair, and rosy, red cheeks. 

3. I am grateful that God made a way for the widows from a local village to earn an income. Rosemary's Grove is a very unique store, that has a variety of purses, jewelry, and other things from all over the world. All of the products are fair trade and help support people in poverty. This boutique now sells our very own widows' project baskets! I brought these baskets in on my trip, and now these precious ladies will be able to sell their pine needle baskets in this store! This will help support the women earn an income to help support their families.

4. I am grateful to be back, safe and sound in Canilla'. We had clinic today, and we have clinic tomorrow. We are one less person because Katie is visiting family in the States. Then, when she comes back I will be coming to St. Louis, again, in December, for Christmas. 

5.Finally, I would like to thank all my friends and family who support each month through prayer and finances. I am so grateful for everyone of you. I really couldn't do it without you. Thank you.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Blessed be Your name, On the road marked with suffering, Though there's pain in the offering, Blessed be Your name

This is Maria.
On a crisp, fall feeling day in the village of Chiminisiguan, "Maravilloso es Dios. Maravilloso es Dios" softly, sung, danced in the atmosphere, bringing a spiritual warmth upon the clinic. It was one of the widows singing a beautiful song to Jesus in our last meeting. The woman was Maria, a widow who lost her husband 8 years ago, and has 8 children.  What a beautiful thing for a woman who lives in poverty, and who has suffered the pain of loss to praise Jesus in the midst of it all. But, not only that, she was praising Jesus in the midst of a village that seems spiritually dark. Of the 9 women, only 3 of them say they go to church. So to break into praise in the midst of the group, was truly a holy moment.   
  We had our 4th Widows'/women's meeting on Tuesday.  As you can see, it started with a flicker of light. The women, once again, came with enthusiasm, interest, and baskets. It was really a kiss from God being in the midst of that meeting. I can not explain to you what I feel when all the women are there, huddled around the fire place meeting together for a purpose. As I watch them, I see this great potential for a group that would give these woman a safe place to feel loved, and encounter Jesus, together in unity. As I watch them, I feel this great love welling up for each one, and compassion for each one that only comes from God.... And, as I watch them, I also feel the huge weight of responsibility of helping lead God's beloved ones into something new. If often feel so incapable and ill-equipped to do this group well. I found myself asking "what is the purpose of this group, what is the goal? And how are we going to get there?". I know God loves these women. I also, know he will hold me accountable for how I deal with them. He after all, looks after the widow and the orphan. So pray for me please. Pray for wisdom and revelation. Pray that I could do this well. Pray for these woman as well, that they would encounter the love of Jesus.

 Just FYI:  Our cup overflows with these beautiful baskets.The ministry bought every last one of them. The plan is to sell these baskets to fund this project for these women. So when I come home for the holidays, I will have tons of baskets for sale:) If you need any Christmas gift ideas :) They are beautiful, and come with a tag that has the picture and story of the woman that made the basket.)

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling. Psalm 68:5

At our second Widows' meeting,the Lord was so good. We gathered by the fire place, and began in prayer. The goal for this meeting was to show the "second step" of making a pine needle basket...but to my joy and surprise the ladies brought in several finished, beautiful handwoven pine needle baskets!

The most beautiful basket was intricately hand-made by a widow well known to us, her name is Marta. Her son, Miguel, is on the nutrition program, and came into us in the final stages of malnutrition. He had severe signs of the common form of malnutrition here, due to a protein deficient diet. His hands and feet were swollen making it obvious that he was suffering. Little Miguel would not smile. His life-less face spoke only of the pain of having no father, and no food. We laid hands on him, and pleaded for our heavenly Father to hear our cry. Then,even though Miguel was a bit older than most of our nutrition kids, but we started him on the program.  Every two weeks we gave him a supply of milk, vitamins, and "incaparina" (a vitamin shake).  Slowly, but surely, he changed. His weight increased each time he came to the clinic. Soon, he was even smiling, showing his improvement. It is due to our good, good father in heaven, that Miguel is now a healthy little boy.  

So, when Marta came with her beautiful basket to sell, it meant more to us than just a basket. It meant food on the table for her little boy.
And that, my friends, is why we do follow in the footsteps of our Lord, and Savior. Doing what the Father does..He is, after all  "A Father to the fatherless, a defender of the widows"...

Pray for Miguel...pray for Marta...

Monday, October 1, 2012

Meet the Women of the Widows' Project

Add caption
This is Tomasa. She is a widow that AIM (Adonai International Ministries)  has been friends with for many years. AIM first met Tomasa through her husband, who was a community leader from her village, and was dying of cancer.  The Lord used AIM to help her husband as much as they could, but he eventually passed away. This left Tomasa with seven children. AIM provides her with food monthly, and is she now apart of the Widow's project. Pray that she grows deeper with Christ during this season, and for provision for her family.

This is Delia. Delia is from a rural, village near our town of Canilla', Guatemala. Her husband abandoned her, and the children seven years ago. In addition to her own natural children, Delia took in a baby girl that was not her own, after the natural mother died. The little girl is now on our nutrition program due to being malnourished, and in a constant fight with respiratory sickness.  Delia now, "fights", as her neighbors put it, to provide for her children on a daily basis. Pray for her provision, and that she develops a personal relationship with her Savior, Jesus. Pray for health for this family.

These are just two of the six women that have begun to meet biweekly in a group. Tomorrow, will be meeting number three. Please pray God meets these women in a unique, and personal way. Pray for provision. But most importantly, pray that we are able to show these women Jesus in the midst of their struggles. 

Saturday, September 22, 2012

My Father's House

Abba Father
My Defender
You are Holy
And I surrender
For in my weakness
You protect me
When my heart strays
You Correct me

I cry Abba Father -
I love you, Daddy
Abba Father...
I love you, I love you
I cry Abba Father -
I love you, Daddy
Abba Father..
I love you I love you

Every time we sing this song during our worship on Tuesday nights, I cry. Every time...

This past Tuesday was no exception. I sat with my eyes closed focusing on the words, and my mind's eye swept away to my own earthly father.I suddenly pictured his house, where I often come to visit. I began to comprehend the parallel between him and my Father in heaven.  For the first time, as I counted the wonders of my own father, I realized my Father in heaven was just the same...

In my father's house I am always welcome. I have a warm bed to sleep on. I have good food to eat.  My father's cabinets are never bare, instead, there is always plenty. And, he tells me I am welcome to anything I desire. My father keeps nothing from me, but is instead generous. My father is not poor but in love, rich in kindness, and rich in mercy. My father never requires me to perform, or earn his love, but instead I can rest in knowing that he loves me. Whenever, I enter my father's house I know that I am special. When I am with him, there is no other daughter he is thinking of...just me.

 I am his only daughter. 

  In My Father’s house are many dwelling places; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you.If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself, that where I am,there you may be also. John 14:1-2

song: Album- Invitation To Eavesdrop

Thursday, September 13, 2012


The volcano in Antigua, Guatemala erupted today. There were some very amazing photos posted on the Antigua Facebook page (as seen above). We were unaffected by it here in Canilla', El Quiche, Guatemala. However, Duane had a flight to Guatemala City today, and he said he saw it.  He said he saw it raining ash, and could see the puffs of smoke in the air. But, God is good, and the flight was made back home safely. We do know though that there are lives being affected by it, so we pray for help and protection for those families near the volcano! 
For more information on this eruption click this link:

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

My soul clings to You; Your right hand upholds me. Psalm 63:8

Dear Heavenly Father,

      Thank you for your son Jesus. Father, I desire to be with him, where He is, to behold His beauty, all the days of my life. I want to be lost in the river of fire, the river of desire for more of Him every single day. One thing I desire of the Lord, to behold his beauty, and to be found in Him. Lord, you can take everything, but one thing I desire to dwell with you, and behold your glory. Everything else fades, but one thing remains....Fix my eyes on eternity. 
Help me to forget what lies behind. Help me to come into the fullness of your forgiveness. Help me not to rely on past failures, or past successes, but instead to press on toward the goal of knowing you. I don't want to live in the memory of yesterday, but I want to live in today.

Lord, I want to be zealous for you for decades. I want to be hungry for you, desiring more and more of you everyday. I want to be on fire for you in my 60's, 70's, 80's....But I know, it's not about what I do, what I earn...but about what Jesus did on the cross. There is nothing I can do to add to His blood.
So, help me to live out of the overflow of your pursuit for me....
My soul clings to You;
Your right hand upholds me.

this is my prayer after listening to a teaching by Corey Russell called "Staying on Fire for Decades"

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

From Ashes to Joy

Four, beautiful, Mayan, widowed woman huddled by the fireplace.  The lines on their faces, tell of the hardship they have endured during their lifetime....war, poverty, and abandonment.  Who can 
"bestow on them a crown of beauty,
 instead of ashes,
the oil of joy,
instead of mourning,
and a garment of praise
    instead of a spirit of despair?"

There's only one, found worthy. His name is Jesus.

 We've been in prayer for months now, about a project that will help the many widows in the particular village/area of Chiminisiguan. The ministry has been helping these many widows in many ways for a long time...but recently, the desire arose to start a project/group that would provide a place for widows to have community, hear the gospel, and provide them with a skill or trade to help earn income. So, after many months of prayer, on Tuesday we had our first meeting.

  After the nutrition kids, and some general consults we invited the widows into the clinic to start a meeting. Meanwhile, the medical clinic carried on as usual. We opened the meeting with prayer, and an explanation of the purpose of the group. We also asked if anyone had a trade, or skill, that they knew to make, or sell. The general consensus was "no". Then, we began showing them how to make pine needle  baskets that are simple and easy to make.  Pines grow all around this area, so the materials would be easy to obtain. To my surprise, it really seemed to take off! They learned very quickly, and better yet, they seemed to enjoy making them! After working on the baskets for awhile,we asked the group, when they would like to meet again. When given the choice of one month, or 2 weeks, they all chose 2 weeks!  

Now, when you've worked with areas like this before, you know that this can only be God. I've had enough experience working in these areas and other parts of Guatemala to know that normally, when starting a program, you try, and try, and try to stir up interest to no avail.  I give all glory to God who gave the timing and the setup.  Now, I also know this was just the first meeting and many trials may come, however, I am so grateful as it seems that God is in this! It's not just another program or activity. 

I believe God is going to move through this program to reveal Himself a little more to the woman. 

Please be in prayer that Jesus is known to these widows. I speak Isaiah 61 over each one of these woman:

Instead of your shame
    you will receive a double portion,
and instead of disgrace
    you will rejoice in your inheritance.
And so you will inherit a double portion in your land,
    and everlasting joy will be yours.

Friday, August 17, 2012

A Sign and A Wonder

Today after our village clinic, eight of us Guatemalans, and non-Guatemalans piled in the back of the red pickup truck to set off for home. It was an adventurous ride, as we rounded windy dirt roads, that the rain had long since washed out. We couldn't help but laugh, as we bounced and the truck bottomed out several times along the road. One of the translators yelled out "We're like popcorn"...Someone else shouted "It's like we are all in a blender." We held on tight, and soon the rain began to fall, a light spring-like rain that made you feel alive. As we climbed down the mountain side, I prayed in my head, "Lord, I need a sign and wonder about staying here longer into next year."  Which, looking back, seems a very selfish prayer...but God is so gracious that he heard me. Just as I finished praying, we turned a corner,and through the valley was rainbow, so close you could almost touch it.  Now, I have seen alot of rainbows in my life time...In fact, I probably could remember the first rainbow I've seen when I was about 5 years old and we lived in our old farm house. But, this rainbow was unlike any other. It was the biggest, brightest, and closest rainbow, that I have ever seen. I was in awe. It was my wonder....
But, I still needed a sign.

  We pulled into home, and the house was full of guests. We have two doctors, a midwife, the midwife's son, a single 20 something girl, and our three Mayan translators all staying with us! So, it felt like camp tonight, with lively chaos...people everywhere, and the dinner table was full! We talked, played cards, watched movies...And after, the evening was over, and I crawled off to bed, I turned on my computer to check my email. "Notification of a Donation received" was in my email inbox. I opened my email and saw that some on-fire prophetic friends from my home town, The Berwicks, had made a generous donation. That was my sign.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Mayan Rituals

 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. [a]He was in the beginning with God.  All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being.  In Him was life, and the life was the Light of men.  The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not [b]comprehend it. John 1:1-5

Today, we trekked once more, into the village of Chumisa, to set up clinic for the day.  We worked out of plastic medicine boxes, in small dark adobe homes, and saw 90 or so people. Fortunately, all of our translators came, and we were able to be very efficient in attending to all the sick.  When our day had come to completion, we stood beside the truck waiting for our village guide to lead us to a home visit of a very sick woman. As we stood there, we looked upon a site that appeared to be a Mayan ceremonial site.  There were two large charred pieces of ground where fires had been. Flowers, had been strewn about, in a circle. And, beside this spot was a kind of an arch way made with green bambo that served to encircle another area that had pine needles all over the ground. As we were examining the area, our friend, translator, and local pastor, Armando begin to describe the Mayan rituals that he believed must have taken place there. He began to describe the Mayan rituals that included sacrificing chickens to pay for sins, followed by blessings by the local Catholic priest.  
There is no litmus test for spirituality. But, to me, this was a perfect picture of the spiritual state of this particular village. There is a mixture of Catholicism with Mayan Religious sacrifices that has tried to replace the fact that Jesus is the perfect and pure sacrifice. Jesus, was the ultimate sacrifice when he died on the cross! He is still the ultimate sacrifice today! There need not be any more sacrifices of animals to pay for sins! HE paid for our sins once and for all!  

There is no litmus for spirituality. But, this Mayan ceremonial site was a great reminder of the village's need for Jesus. It made me more aware of the need for the light to pierce the darkness, and for the darkness to comprehend the light. 

an elderly woman from Chumisa
 Sometimes, as we work in these villages, and the spiritual atmosphere feels so heavy, I often wonder why. I wonder why, while these truths are going forth as our friend preaches at every clinic, do the people seem so dull to understand? We need a transformation in these villages. Transformation has to take place, or they will be stuck in their rituals that lead them to ultimate destruction. How does transformation take place, you ask? Prayer, prayer, and more prayer.
Join us in crying out for these villages! 
Dear Father in heaven,
Come to Chumisa! Change and transform this village! Let truth pierce hearts! May they know your son, Jesus!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Tios Xabaj

Tios Xabaj is a new community we have been going to once a month for clinics. It is a spiritually dark area that needs the love of the Lord.  The spiritual understanding of the community seems dull and dark. Join us in praying and crying out for this village. We have been praying continually that the Lord would pierce the darkness in this dry and weary land. That His Spirit, would fall like rain upon it.Here is the story of the last time we went there on the ministry's blog:

Monday, July 2, 2012

June Photos

This past week we have had three visitors- Debbie, Kala, and Josh. Debbie,pictured here, is an Occupational therapist, and was able to help us start therapy on this little girl who has CP.

Kala, pictured here with Anna, is a nurse and has been a huge help (especially with  helping organizing our Chiminisiguan clinic)

Here are three of our amazing translators,who faithfully come each week to help in our Canilla' and San Andres clinics.

Here is a sweet elderly couple we met in market in town...may they know Jesus.

Here's my favorite little boy in the Hogar de Vida (an orphanage in San Andres) his name is Oscar, but they  call him "Coca"

The End

(thank you to Kala Brand for the great photos)

Monday, June 11, 2012

Southgate Church: Feeding Children and Working Miracles

This past week my home church sent a group to Cerro de Oro, Guatemala. Thankfully, I was able to meet up with them for 5 whole days! It was really great to see everyone. It was especially wonderful to spend some time with people like Jo Ann Powers, and Terry Joggerst, who have made an impact in my life over the years.

The team built two widows' homes, and helped run a children's feeding program at lunch time, everyday. There were over 150 kids being fed each day. Of that 150, there were a few children that were obviously from a very impoverished home, and were very malnourished.  It was such a "holy moment" (as Jo Ann says) to see these particular poverty-stricken children pray to ask Jesus in their hearts. That was the very moment that changed their lives for eternity. All glory to God!

We had another "holy moment" when Jo Ann knocked her finger out of place. She tripped on her skirt while getting out of a boat we had taken to the other side of the lake.  When she tripped and fell, one of her thumbs ended up completely sideways.  The group called for me to help since I was the only "medical person". I had never actually set a thumb back in place, and I really didn't want to practice on Jo Ann. We went into a the restaurant we were eating at, and I immediately asked for some ice. Next, I started looking for things to  use as "splints," and for any first aide equipment. While I was collecting the materials, my old youth pastor, "Mr. J" began praying for Jo Ann's thumb. After he finished praying, her thumb was completely back in place! It had been sideways, but was now completely straight!!! What a miracle!

   Later that day, I returned home to Canilla'. The next morning, an orthopedic surgeon from the States came to visit our clinic to see if he wants to work here in the future. I asked him for his expert opinion related to Jo Ann's thumb. Among other things, he said that it was very unlikely for a thumb to go back into place by itself.  And so, the miracle was confirmed! It truly was a miracle! All glory to God! Now praying that her thumb heals completely.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Mercy It Falls Like a Sweet Spring Rain

Since I have returned to my sweet little home in Canilla', the rainy season  has begun. The dusty country roads have turned to mud, and the dry, crunchy grass has turned into a lush, green carpet. Just as the natural season has changed, I too have felt some "spiritual shift". It is too early to tell what all a "spiritual shift" entails or means exactly, but I sense some kind of difference. It's almost as if the Lord took everything "up" a level, which sounds a bit frightening, but exciting at the same time. I noticed it in the clinics as I have encountered some new challenges, and thankfully, Leslie has been there to look out for me. I know sometimes, when you go up a level in something, it could be easy to get discouraged, as it feels that everything is harder, and not life as usual. But, I also know that the Lord is stretching my spiritual muscles to prepare me for the next step. I am expecting good things, as I lean upon my beloved, and lean into to whatever He has in this next season. I hope this does not sound too vague. I am just asking for prayers mercy & grace during this time, as I wait and see what God has in store. Blessings.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Home Sweet Home

On Thursday, I got back from a very short, but sweet trip into St. Louis. It was a great time of visiting friends family, and being a part of a very special wedding of my friends Kelly & Craig. Here are some photos from the trip home:
 Visiting the cutest boy in the nephew Ira.

Visiting my good friends Mindy & Jess & all their wonderful kids

Visiting my good friends Julie & Jess at Craig & Kelly's wedding

I had a great time visiting friends and family. I especially appreciate my loving mother who generously offers me her home and car when I come home. Thank you mom, you are the best. It was great to be with you on Mother's day.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

If it's not Jesus, then it's not justice. We want Jesus. We want justice.

   I recently heard someone say, that when we help the poor, we need to point them to Jesus. And that if we are not pointing them to Jesus, then we are just putting band aids on them, as they go on their way to hell.  I weighed this in my heart. We all weighed this in our hearts for some days.

  On Wednesday, our Sabbath here, we got a call from a village inviting us to come do clinic in their village.  So, after scrounging for translators, packing and stocking our medication boxes, charging the ultra sound and otoscopes, we set out Friday morning. As we climbed the winding, dusty, mountain road to the far away village of Tioxjaba, Orelia, one of the Family's good friends who was going to translate, suddenly spoke up. She began to tell us that she had, had a prophecy that one day she would come to a village like this one. She said it was in this village, that God would speak to her here, according to the prophecy she received.  As we rolled into Tioxjaba, the dark spiritual atmosphere hovered over us. We soon observed, that these were religious people, but did not have Jesus living inside of them. We also, once again, encountered the great need for medical care. So after praying, we began working on the long line of out of two large boxes stock with medication and equipment.

  We worked hard, checking blood pressures, and blood sugars diagnosing several with diabetes and gastritis. All the while, I was trying to figure out, how to tell a very closed and hardened people about Jesus. Ringing in the back of my mind, I heard the quote about putting band aids on people on their way to hell. So I continued to work, wondering if the line of people outside would ever diminish. Then, a little while later, Katie came bursting into the room. "If it helps any, we just had three people accept Christ", she told Leslie and I.  My mouth dropped open in disbelief.  "Really?" I could help from asking. "Yes", answered Katie. I wanted to hear all the details, but we still had a long line awaiting outside. "I'll tell you the whole story later," said Katie, and she left to go to the other room.

   Later, on our long drive home, we heard the story of each salvation. We soon found out, it was Orelia who had stepped each person through the understanding of accepting Christ. She explained to each one, that Jesus was the only door to God. She explained that there was no other way, and no other person that could get us there. She also explained, that Jesus was alive, unlike the idols/saints they prayed to in their religion. As Orelia was telling us what she said, I again felt a wellspring of joy bubbling up inside me! She also told us that one of the elderly men that received Christ was so excited. She said that as he prayed the prayer to accept Jesus, he could barely contain himself! Then, as he left, he thanked her and Katie over and over again!

  What a beautiful, beautiful thing when someone receives the living Jesus into their lives! I know that all of heaven rejoiced that day, and heaven and hell were forever changed. The cloud of darkness that hovered over Tioxjaba was pierced!
 When we help lighten the burden of the poor and needy, it is an act of justice. We know that God himself contends for the poor, and that they are his people. It also says in the Bible that when you do unto the least of these, you do unto him. But, we can't forget Jesus. Jesus is the only way to eternal life. He is the only one who can bring absolute justice. He is a righteous judge who will come and make all the wrong things right. If it's not's not justice. We want Jesus. We want justice.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

All Flesh is Grass

It is serious business when an entire village lines up outside a small dark wooded building all day, just to have a bit of medical attention. It also catches your attention when several other villages meet you at the door, to ask your team to see their villages of over 100 people as well.  This is just a small example of how the need both physical and spiritual, is presenting itself, and knocking on our door. But we are only human, and our resources do have limits… We always tell God before we begin each clinic that we have nothing to give. Everything we have is His, and only by Him are we able to do or give anything. This was again highlighted to me later that day, as we were slowly dwindling down to our last Tylenol & vitamins in our travel box.  I was thinking “what are we going to give when we run out of medicine?”

But, Tums and Tylenol are not going meet the deeper need that this village has, and our team knows that. The deeper need is the spiritual dryness and hardness of the hearts of the people. We present the gospel each time we do clinic, and I know those words do not fall to the ground…but how do you minister to a person of the village who tells you they are not interested in knowing more about the Jesus you know? And how do you teach the importance of meeting with local believers when the only local spirit filled church charges a large sum of money to even get prayer? Ugh. The injustice!!  So, I wrestled with these thoughts after our last clinic in Chamisa.

But then, last night, during our night of worship, I closed my eyes and that small still voice flooded over me. At first, I got a picture of myself elderly, at the end of my life. I was sitting with other elderly people, as we praised the name of Jesus. In that moment, when all was said and done, and the Creator of all things was soon going to take me back to dust,  all I could remember was Jesus. He was the answer. He was my purpose. He is the reason why I lived. Then, I got a picture of the earth around me. I saw the dry lands of Canilla’, the beasts of the field that search for food, the women who are unjustly treated, the poor, the needy, the hurting, the dying. Then I saw Jesus come to earth, and all these needs were taken care of in an instant. The dry land had water, the beasts had food, the women were comforted, the poor were made rich, the sick healed, the dying made alive!
The only answer is Jesus. He is the answer. And all creation groans and waits for the answer. There may be a daily cry that goes forth from the earth , but Jesus will soon answer….People get ready!

Isaiah 40:6-8 
6 A voice says, “Cry out.” 
   And I said, “What shall I cry?”
   “All people are like grass, 
   and all their faithfulness is like the flowers of the field. 
7 The grass withers and the flowers fall, 
   because the breath of the LORD blows on them. 
   Surely the people are grass. 
8 The grass withers and the flowers fall, 
   but the word of our God endures forever.”

Saturday, March 31, 2012


It was a beautiful sunny day in our small town of Canilla'. The sky was clear, and a cool breeze swept across the trees in the early afternoon. I was standing my post, watching baby Rubidia as she took a nap beside her mother. As I stepped outside, I heard the ministry's airplane fly over head.  Duane and Leslie were taking a young girl to the city for surgery on her hand. I was ready for my shift watching baby Rubidia, yet exhausted from nights of staying up late with her, as she continuously struggled to breathe and keep her sats (oxygen level) up, despite all the medical treatments we were giving.  I looked around the clinic making sure everything was in order when I heard someone call my name, "Raquel," they yelled and told me that someone was at the clinic gate. I poked my head out to see who it was, and saw our neighbors. They asked me if I would come check on their mother, specifically if I would take her blood pressure. They also mentioned something about her falling on the way back from her pila (an outdoor sink used to wash clothes and dishes).  I grabbed the blood pressure cuff and stethoscope and scurried over to their house to see what had happened.
    "Con permiso," I whispered as I made my way into the dark small hut, and then waited for my eyes to adjust to the dim lighting.  This little home had two rooms, one for the kitchen, and one for the bedroom. Making my way into the bedroom, my eyes fell upon a limp body on the bed.  I swooped in to take her blood pressure and assess the situation. She was breathing, conscious, but couldn't speak, and her body was limp. It didn't take long to realize that she had had a stroke.
The next hour was a bit of a blur. I rushed back & forth between our house & her house, looking up how to say stroke, calling Katie, and trying to figure out what I could do. The part that is still so clear to me, though, is that I got to pray for her, and as I prayed I felt the fire of the Holy Spirit.  After some thought, and my suggestion that it was a stroke, the family decided to take her to the health post in town.  Unfortunately, I didn't have much hope, though, because I have learned how little the health post in town has, or is able to do.  For example, there has been several times since I have been here that the health post has come to us to ask for insulin, or other things because they have so little resources.
But, she stayed there overnight. A day later, when we went to check on her she was again in bed & her family described to us that she had right-sided weakness.  At that moment my heart sunk...I had seen lots of people while working as a nurse in the States that never quite recovered after a stroke. I imagined her weak, frail & in bed for the rest of her life. But we prayed again for her, that she would recover.  A few more days past, Leslie had found a wheelchair for her, & we had studied  physical therapy exercises for her to do when we went to visit.  We decided to go visit & see how she was again. But this time, to our surprise, we found her sitting up using her right hand as if nothing had happened! I couldn't help but smile! It was a miracle, and she was recovering! This was not medicine's doing, this was the power of prayer! Our weak little prayers were heard by our heavenly Father.  Heaven had touched earth, even in the midst of the lack of faith. He had come to show this elderly woman how much he loved & cared for her.  He came to prove his word that in Mark 16:18, that, " ...they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover..."
     Praise be to the Lord!  Even, today we heard reports that she is up walking, and doing great! God is so good! Es un Milagro!

Rubidia Update

For the latest on Rubidia's story & status, please go to  the ministry's blog at  . Leslie gives an in-depth report on the little baby we took care of for nine days.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Here's Rubidia - the baby we have been taking care of for the past 2 days. She is staying again tonight. Praying for complete restoration . We need a miracle.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Baby in distress

Keeping a 4 month old baby overnight, took her home with her mom after we discovered in clinic she is wheezing & had pulse oximeter level around 60%...Right now she is satting above 90% with oxygen. Please be praying....

Monday, March 12, 2012

The measure of my heart

As I weigh each malnourished child, to see if he has grown~ I feel the Lord weigh my own heart to see if it has loved.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

March photos

Anna (Katie's daughter) in her rain boots.

A pregnant lady in the San Andres Clinic with her vitamins.

There's a baby in there :)

A beautiful elderly lady in the Cruz Chich clinic.

Ethan (Katie & Aaron's baby) strapped to my back at the local store in Canilla'.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Assessing a little boy we found to be at the end stages of malnutrition.
This little boy is in the end stages of malnutrition. His mom is a widow with 6 kids to take care of at home. In the village clinic, we did all we could do to help this boy and his family . . .  and then, most importantly, we prayed.
Found some boots in our boot bag that fit this little barefoot boy. God gives good gifts!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Cruz Chich Clinic

This weekend was a marathon of clinics.  The marathon started on Friday, in a mountain side village named Cruz Chich where we saw almost 200 people, and ended today in San Andres where we weekly see about a 100 people.
In Cruz Chich, it took our team nearly all day to complete the general consults and ultra sounds. We even had extra help, with an awesome PA, 2 OB-GYN doctors, a med student, and our normal team of nurses and translators. Cruz Chich is a spiritually dark area. But, we know that in the darkest areas are where the light can shine the brightest. With this in mind, the day before clinics we pressed into a time of intercession for this particular clinic. And after our fiery intercession, I do have to say on Friday there arose many opportunites to share, pray, and talk about Jesus.

(Read the following post for a more specific story of one of the clinics)


   A small statured Mayan woman took a seat facing me. She then began telling her story through a Quiche to Spanish translator.  Her story began, that she was so depressed, that she had been drinking alcohol everyday to rid herself of her sadness.  As I listened to her story, I looked into her sad brown Mayan eyes. I could literally feel the depth of this pain she carried like a backpack.  And, the pain of losing two children in one year engulfed her like a thick cloud.  I leaned in closer to her, as I prayed in the spirit under my breath. The heaviness seemed unbearable.   "This one is God's favorite," I whispered myself. "This is one that He dearly loves. And for this one He died on the cross."
   So there I sat... in front of this one that Jesus loves, and I heard her true tale of tears and sorrow.  In that moment I had no "pill" to give. A pat on the shoulder just wouldn't suffice.  Swirling above all this was the other thought that "she came to this ministry for help" But, only the revelation of Jesus to her heart could change her situation. Only an encounter with God, could turn her weeping into joy.  So somehow ,I had to help act as a bridge, that could get this woman to God. Wow, what a heavy ministry.
    I cannot explain to you the deep burden my heart feels every time that these beautiful people come to us for help. But, I do feel such a sobriety because these are people that God loves dearly. These are God's favorite ones. In the Bible, over and over again, it says that God himself looks after the poor and needy. What a "weighty" ministry it is to serve the poor and needy.  I know that I must deal rightly, justly, and compassionately. This is not a ministry to be taken lightly. But I also know, that the answer is always. . . prayer.